

Vodka Absolut, zumo de arándanos, gotas de lima recién exprimida, gotas de triple seco y corteza de lima.
Vodka Absolut, triple sec, fresh squeeze lime and cranberry juice.

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Bacardi, lima recién cortada, azúcar moreno, menta fresca y soda.
Bacardi, fresh lime, fresh mint, brown sugar and touch of soda.

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Espresso vivir

Vodka Absolut, frangelico, licor de cafe y café espresso.
Vodka Absolut, frangelico, coffee liquor and espresso coffee.

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City kiss

Vodka Absolut, lima, red bull y arandanos.
Vodka Absolut, fresh lime, red bull and cranberry juice.

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Sex On The Beach

Vodka Absolut, peche, zumo de naranja, melocotón y arándanos.
Vodka Absolut, peach liquor, orange juice, peach juice and cranberry juice.

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